  維運公告內容 | Bulletin Content
  公告類別: 線路
  事件類別: 計畫性維護
  公告發佈日期: 2021-05-13 12:01:13

Lumen intends to carry out internal maintenance within its network to perform a fiber maintenance activity and is required in order to expand existing network infrastructure by adding capacity to allow for improved service features.

  預估影響時間: 2021-05-25 13:00:00 ~ 2021-05-25 19:00:00
  影響範圍: 以下電路預計中斷360分鐘以內
#20 TP-CHI 10G
  補充說明: 因國際電路尚有其他路由,不影響出國連線服務
累積到訪人數:707031   (Since 2008/01/01)